
Write for Us

Guest Post Guidelines for Our Website

Are you interested in writing a guest post for our website? If yes, then you are welcome to submit your article for review. But before you do that, please read our guest post guidelines carefully and follow them accordingly.

What We Are Looking For

We are looking for high-quality, original, and relevant content that can provide value to our readers. We accept guest posts on topics such as digital marketing, SEO, web design, social media, online business, and more.

Your guest post should be:

  • 800 – 1500 words long. We prefer longer and in-depth articles that cover the topic comprehensively.
  • Well-written and formatted. Use proper grammar, spelling, punctuation, and headings. Break your content into short paragraphs and use bullet points or numbered lists when appropriate.
  • Unique and original. Your guest post should be your own work and not published elsewhere. We will check your content for plagiarism and reject any duplicate or spun content.
  • Informative and useful. Your guest post should provide valuable information or insights to our readers. It should not be overly promotional or self-serving. You can include a brief bio and a link to your website at the end of your article.

What We Are Not Looking For

We do not accept guest posts that are:

  • Off-topic or irrelevant. Your guest post should match the theme and tone of our website. We do not accept guest posts on topics that are unrelated to our niche or audience.
  • Low-quality or spammy. Your guest post should be well-researched and fact-checked. We do not accept guest posts that are poorly written, contain factual errors, or have misleading or clickbait titles.
  • Copied or plagiarized. Your guest post should be original and unique. We do not accept guest posts that are copied from other sources or contain duplicate or spun content.

How to Submit Your Guest Post

If you want to submit a guest post for our website, please follow these steps:

  • Contact us. Send us an email with your proposed topic, a brief outline, and a link to your previous work or portfolio. We will review your proposal and get back to you within 48 hours.
  • Write your guest post. If we approve your topic, you can start writing your guest post according to our guidelines. Make sure to proofread and edit your content before sending it to us.
  • Send us your guest post. Attach your guest post as a Word document or a Google Doc file and email it to us. Include your name, bio, and website link in the email.

What You Will Get

If we accept your guest post, you will get:

  • Exposure and traffic. Your guest post will be published on our website and shared on our social media channels. You will get exposure to our audience and potential traffic to your website.
  • One dofollow link. You can include one dofollow link to your website in your bio at the end of your article. This will help you boost your SEO and authority.
  • Feedback and support. We will provide you with feedback and suggestions to improve your content if needed. We will also respond to any comments or questions from our readers on your guest post.

What You Will Pay

We charge a nominal fee of $10 per guest post for publishing your content on our website. This is to cover the costs of hosting, editing, and promoting your guest post.

However, if you do not want to pay this fee, you have another option: You can provide us with one dofollow link on any high DA PA website to us (this is very important point). This means that you have to write another guest post for another website in our niche and include a link to our website in it.

This way, we can exchange links and benefit from each other’s traffic and authority.

If you choose this option, please let us know the URL of the website where you will publish our link and send us the proof of publication.


We hope that you have understood our guest post guidelines and are ready to submit your article for review.

We look forward to hearing from you soon!